I admit that I have moments of panic of what's to come, but most of me wants/needs to believe that things will calm down and become a little simpler. Until then, I'm relying on my good ol' coping skills.
Jimmy Johns. Thank you for being so fast and so close to my home. Your delivery service and lettuce wrapped sandwiches have become one of my best friends on these many lonely nights.
Sonic, Straws, and Swig. Or S cubed...as I like to call you, thank you for your Dirty Diet Cokes, for not judging me when I pull up to the window to pay and realize I forgot my wallet, and your beautiful sugar cookies. You...complete....me. I hope we don't break up in three months, but I may be seeing less of you. Who am I kidding? I will still love you.
Photography. You get me. You've saved me.
Understanding friends. Thanks for not judging my lack of social skills, but supporting me completely. I KNOW I've survived because of you.
Instagram. I'm addicted. We should probably tone it down a bit.
Professional geniuses who get our family. I heart you.
You're almost there! Hallelujah! What a journey, eh?